Search Results for: TID

How can I get through postpartum depression?

There is a period after delivery when every mother feels a little too overwhelmed, excited, and anxious. Many attribute this change of emotions to the baby blues, but no, this is what the doctors call postpartum depression. Mostly triggered by the fear of the unknown, postpartum depression is a mood disorder that affects 1 in […]

Helping your child make successful transitions

Adapting to a routine outside of one’s habitat, an attempt to associate amidst strange faces, switching institutions of learning, getting through a hectic college pressure are great turning points that can feel daunting & unbearable at the beginning. Notable life changes are stressful tasks. However, after you’re used to the new conditions faced with, gradually […]

Exclusive breastfeeding; what worked and what didn’t work!

Since the history of time itself, breastfeeding has been the best and most effective way for a mother to nurture and ensure proper growth to her child. Not only does it promote good nutrition for the baby, it also provides a great way for the child and mother to bond. Although breastfeeding is a personal choice […]

Postpartum Depression, Dads experience it too!

Major Depressive Disorder (MMD) as its other wisely known, Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a symptom mainly reported in women shortly after childbirth. However, PPD affects fathers as well and hits even harder in their case. Postpartum Depression has no established criteria but stands a chance of a long-term history of depression in men.