Search Results for: Dj seven

Your guide to the first pregnancy trimester (Week 1 to 12)

At the exact point in time, you discover that you’re pregnant, you’ll probably have so many questions & be eager to know the right things to put in place. The first pregnancy trimester (Week 1 to 12) is mostly unbearable. Just as this period is full of many transformations on the baby & the mother, […]

Your guide to the second pregnancy trimester (Week 13 to 26)

As incredible as a Pregnancy trimester could be for a mother-to-be, at the same time, she should be prepared to experience some inconvenience, ills that occur irregularly. The second trimester of pregnancy (Week 13 to 26) is when most women regained their strength & feel better. Outwardly, the pregnancy is obvious; you don’t need to […]