Author Archives: hashimrashidy

Why do toddlers prefer staying and walking around naked?

Toddlers sensory issues are definitely the list thought about when it comes to motherhood preparations. Who knew that after spending too much time and money buying the best outfits for your child you will later be through a lot of push and pull before getting the child dressed? For some weird reason children are simply […]

Are vaccines safe? Why do some parents choose not to vaccinate?

Vaccination is a cost effective way of avoiding the spread of diseases, often administered to infants at their tender ages when they are most vulnerable to diseases. It helps boost their immune system while building antibodies for a better protection against the disease causing bacteria. However, the safety of the vaccines is an open debate […]

Why Are Dads Left Out of Parenting Role?

Growing up as an orphan is one of the worst experiences that any child could face. Be it the mother, father or both that passes on; it’s all the same tragic. However, the worst that can happen is that both parents are alive, but their presence means nothing. Many are the times that dads feel […]

The career gap from when I decided to have kids first.

Gaps in employment history happen for different reasons. It could either be a challenge of balancing family and career or a break to specifically focus on motherhood. But while taking a break to nature your children is a viable reason, accounting for the career gap to your prospective employer requires some form of strategy. It’s […]

Is naming kids after family members a Yay or Nay?

Parents should think deeply before naming their children because names are paramount, they tell hidden stories about us and probably what we may become in the future. Names also impact the lives of children either negatively or positively. Negative names never inspire a child towards positive growth due to its negative connotations, and such children […]

My 2-year-old abnormal sleeping schedule

Night waking is a common behavior in toddlers, more like a mean trick from them. One minute you have your child deep asleep and the next minute she or he is attention seeking with a loud cry. Many call it to sleep regression while others think it’s a sleep disorder, well whatever the case it […]

Do parents of older kids miss when they were young?

Parenthood is a fun and fulfilling but definitely intense journey; a journey you walk without manuals and instructions but only your instincts to go by. You struggle from taking care of a baby, who turns into a toddler, who grows into a moody teen and then becomes an adult, all the while, trying to ensure […]

2,3,4 … When Do they Outgrow the Tantrums?

If you are a parent to a toddler, you definitely know the real meaning of frustration. You’re probably wondering when your 1, 2, 3, or 4 years old will outgrow the tantrums. Toddlers are sweet little humans, but they can also get stormy to a point that you almost lose your mind. Dear parent, if […]

Eating out with kids; the DOs and DON’Ts

Remember the good old times when you were once carefree and free-spirited and could go eating out anywhere without a care in the world? Fun times right? Fast-forward a few years later, you are now a parent, and your life has become more cautious, more careful and thought out because of your children. You no […]

Fears of parents to soon to be teenagers.

I remember when I was in my teenage years; I was so engrossed in becoming a young adult that I became a nightmare to my parents. I would run around with the wrong crowd, smoke and drink alcohol and even come home late. My parents would constantly worry and keep me on toes because I […]